Monday, April 23, 2012

Basically, I stick out in my family. I didn't used to. I grew up doing what everyone wanted, fitting into their mold, because I didn't really know what I wanted in life. Although I did know I enjoyed art and I loved being with my family. I liked learning about my German and Indian heritage and staying connect with my family but as I got older I found that I was more connected to art than my family members. Art was my passion, not just a hobby like everyone surrounding me. My parents and other family members didn't quite understand but were supportive in this journey. I'm not sure I'll ever completely grow up, but I think that suits me wanting to work with children in the art therapy field. I have a connection to children that allows me to enter their world. My own art got me through every challenge as a child and I want to share that with other children.

1 comment:

  1. I think your playfulness and personality will suit you well in the future working with children and be an asset. Just as many teachers are imaginative and playful, I always find myself wanting to let loose and express my inner child more easily. As for sticking out in your family, I think all families can use a "changer" that influences, enlightens, teaches and (entertains? :) I feel similar in my family and am trying to see the benefits of not fitting in.
    "Be free, be happy, be you." - says the dove chocolate wrapper
