"Only the handful of Japanese-American students, children of families left over from the internment camps in Arkansas to which they'd been sent during World War II, were as isolated."

Page: 193
"'There's more to me than one moment,' Hazel told her."

I have this urge to write Hazel a letter and thank her for being the girl in the photograph. Because why this did not represent her as a whole, it caused a nation to realize that this was real, and it was wrong.
Page: 202
"For forty years, wrote Deborah Halter in the Democrat-Gazette, she had assumed the Hazel of the picture to be an adult, and had loathed 'this almost mythical character standing like an icon of Southern racial hatred.' Now she realized that Hazel had been fifteen years old, an empty vessel into whom others-her parents? her teachers?her minister?-had poured all their prejudices."
Page: 230
"Surely the ninety-five percent who had done nothing wrong that year were more important than the five percent who had; they, too, deserved praise."

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
Page: 297
"Central's whites had never been properly thanked for their heroism during that period. Elizabeth remembered Ross, though not that they had ever been friends."
Page: 276
"Then, all at once, it dawned on various people that when the nation's first African-American president took office, Elizabeth Eckford should be nearby. The rest of the Little Rock Nine would be, sitting with the Tuskegee Airmen. When Elizabeth told the Washington Post that she couldn't afford the trip, offers poured in to help foot the bill."
What I don't understand is that if they wanted to use her for such propoganda, why wouldn't they offer to pay her hotel and airfare in the first place? They kept having these reunions and ceremonies throughout her life and never once did it mention that they were willing to pay for expenses. From what I understand of Hollywood and media and promotion, when you have an important guest, you pamper them. So why were the Little Rock Nine to come to events that they had to pay for?
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